Sunday, March 09, 2008


Well, life is still unfair, so it seems...but there are happy days, and I have been cherishing every single moment of it. Confusion is still a part of my life, and there are ill attempts to bring reason into everything. However, I still know better. Sometimes, it's better to ask and not wait for answers...Yes, I will keep on asking even if I won't get any replies. At least, asking means I still have time to ponder about things that truly matter...Or at least, about things that I consider to be important in my life.

I'm still growing emotionally. Just when I thought that I have reached the peak of my maturity, it seems that there are still a lot of things to learn. My favorite line nowadays is "Sabi ko na nga ba..." Simply because the events that transpire everyday can be determined. I don't think I have the ability to predict the future...since most events can happen if you trace back the other events that already happened. One thing will eventually lead to another. I guess that's what I just did.

I know that there are events we can prevent from happening...but sometimes, they just have to happen. There came a point when I tried to figure out if I'd lost my capacity to become sensitive to other people's needs, but then, I pause, and remember that I can't please everybody. Goodness, I can't even give myself what I need! Much more to give in to other people's demands. Perhaps, I have changed. Maybe, I have lost that part of myself - that which most people loved. Well, I guess this is the price I have to pay for becoming who I am. ALthough, I am still hopeful I won't grow old alone in this world. The cynism is just sometimes taking over me, and the bad thing about it is that I'm letting it get to me, overpower me, and take over entirely. I know that I need saving, but from what?

I think I need saving from myself - more like it.

To those who might think I'm pathetic or stupid or suicidal...Hahahahahahaha! Thank you for making me laugh.