Summer days have quickly gone as the songs of hummingbirds faded. In a world of misery, not a tone of glee could be heard, only sighs coming from a hopeless heart. An image of a lost soul slowly came to mind although experience already defined her entire being. With downcast eyes, she looked beyond the horizon and across the still waters, she found no glint of relief from the exhaustion of her journey. Though she escaped from her wicker cage, she was afraid to fly out into the world. Fearful of what the future had in store for her, she allowed herself to become chained to the ground. Trembling and cold, she longed for someone to hold her and warm her frosty heart, but no one seemed to come.
She needed a reason for her existence and an answer for all her fears. As the sun was about to set, all doubts hovered above her just as darkness suspended over light, as if ready to take control. The wind that used to brush past her face had ceased blowing, and in the stillness of the afternoon haze, her spirit lost all capacity to understand the ambiguity of life. Listlessness has overpowered her.
A nomad searching for nothing, finding the inexistence of meaning and treading the shallow waters of materialism in a universe limited by social restrictions, wherein every individual desperately attempts to survive every adverse circumstance. Through all these years, she wondered how she could have withstood the test of time. From every tremor, she wondered how she could have kept her stance still, despite the increasing intensity of each shake. And from every uncertainty, she wondered how she could have continued searching, and still looking, even when not a single clue to all her confusion has been found. Somehow, a part of her remaines hopeful amidst the hopelessness. She knew that when she found what it was, the void within would be filled. It was the urge to find it, to find herself a place in this world, that prods her to keep moving on. Faith flowed in her vains and she knew it was all she needed throughout this tiresome voyage.
She had to keep on believing that anything could be created ex nihilo, that out of nothing can every possibility be made. Visions of the sun rising just had to be imagined, and soon enough, this picturesque image of a new life would materialize. For the millionth time, she tried to blink all the fears aside, and upon opening her eyes this time, she caught glance of a rose in the rubble. With the blossoming of this rose, she knew that, in time the dimness would turn into brightness.
And then, that's when she saw herself. With every experience, she would learn and grow from it. Her meaning would eventually surface. This she now knows by heart.
Without hesitation, she spread her wings, and began to fly towards her destiny.