Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Oh well

The most ill-humored event happened Monday of this week. Just as I was conditioning myself to have a very good mood the entire week, this new trial had to come along. I know this is something I could surpass, well, because I must, but somehow, I can’t help but feel irritated and annoyed and depressed and ruined and…so, so tired.

Just like that, everything you worked hard for would become null. Exactly the word I saw on the screen…NULL. Every data saved, every accomplishment for the past two weeks…gone. Doing overtime has been useless and I have to work my ass off harder than I did.

Who would have thought that a single mistake could eradicate everything? An honest mistake with a grave effect and a dire consequence just sent my spirits come crashing with the waves, and I don’t mean that in a fun, summer-oriented kind of way. I know it wasn’t his intention to destroy my data, so I just decided to do something about it rather than cry.

History repeats itself. How appropriate.

The same thing happened to me while I was doing my thesis. As I was trying to complete last minute cramming, polishing my graphs and tables with details and elucidations, before actually printing everything, my pc crashed. At 4:00 in the morning, on the day of submission, I just stared at the black screen in front of me, then at the 10 plus or so diskettes stacked beside the CPU. Where in the world would I find a computer shop that would print every input on those disks before 10:00? What’s worse was, those disks only had the graphs, tables, and chapter one. It was a good thing I wrote most of my thoughts on scratch. Great, I told myself, then cursed under my breath. It was time to turn to the ever reliable Marlboro, because I had no idea what to do. My graduation depended on it, and all I could do was light a cigarette with trembling hands. I was too pissed to cry, anyway.

Four weeks. They just disappeared, and as I stared into open space, our dog stared back at me, with sympathetic eyes. I gave out a heavy sigh, then like a 5-year old kid, sat on the edge of my parents’ bed, waiting to see if one of them would wake up. I badly needed a hug.

Obviously, I wasn’t able to submit my thesis on time. My pc had to be repaired for two days, so the only chance I had of accomplishing it was during the coming weekend. For three straight days, I only slept a total of 4 hours. A month’s work compacted within days surely produced nothing but shit, but I didn’t want to NOT graduate on time! So I had to get it done the best way I knew how.

So yesterday, I stayed in the office until 11:30 in the evening. Reconstructing almost everything made the vein in my hand throb like crazy, but I’m glad I got it over and done with. I am going to meet this week’s deadline after all.