What is more truly essential in life?
You'll never really know until you've got it in your hands, and then watch it slowly slip through your fingers. I think most of us regret losing things, or even people. You know, when we fail to keep them, simply because we become engrossed with our own lives that we forget how to value blessings sent our way.
It's been quite a tedious cycle, hasn't it? We cry over spilt milk even when our parents and friends have told us a million times not to. We need to be strong, they say, but what I've realized over the past few years is this: I am stronger than what they think I am, despite the many tears I've cried in front of them or behind them. Indeed, I have regretted letting go of people, of deciding that not being a part of their lives was best, and of choosing a different path other than that of which they tread, but all throughout these experiences, through all the many, many tears I've shed, I have managed to see my life in the bigger picture. I have succeeded in taking the first step into taking control of this life, and not, of life taking control over me.
I guess, although I have lost some friends and some of the things I dearly valued, there has been a greater exchange, one of the lessons in life that I never would have gotten if I kept holding on: nothing in this life is mine. Even the life I have is merely borrowed, and this is a reality I have known since I was a kid. My grandmother has brought us up in such a way that our fear in the Lord is so great, but above of all, our gratitude for this opportunity to breathe and live and fall in love has been greater. It has been fairly instilled in me that the life I live is not my own, but of Christ's. The years that I spend here on earth must then be spent according to how He would have lived, full of compassion, full of love. My being human is not an excuse, for in His eyes, I could always try. Though I may not succeed, at least, I gave it my best shot.
So, what is more truly essential in life?
This is a thought that should have not included any comparison at all.
What is truly essential in life?
Life itself.